
NAIDOC Breakfast 2022

Members of Queensland Youth Services have the right and responsibility to elect our Management Committee during election proceedings at each Annual General Meeting based on nominee knowledge, expertise and networks. Members will also be informed of organisational news, events and updates regularly.

Membership Classes

Memberships are renewed annually from their date of ratification unless otherwise specified.
*Life members can only be nominated by another Ordinary or Employee member. Honorary members must be nominated by the Management Committee for consideration of membership. Life and Honorary members are not required to renew their membership commitment annually.

Expression of Interest

Submit your expression of interest in becoming a member of Queensland Youth Services

Full Name(Required)
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Life Members

Meet our Life Members

These are individuals who have been nominated in recognition of outstanding and exceptional service to Queensland Youth Services in the following ways:

Tom Evans

Ruth Martin

Ruth Martin

Toby Marhin

Toby Marhin

Gaye Newey - QYS Life Member

Gaye Newey

Brent Fergusson

Brian Kelly

Melissa Previtera

Tammie Harrison - QYS Management Committee

Tammie Harrison

Wendy Lang