Our Organisation

We are committed to the pursuit of social justice, equity,
accountability and cultural diversity.


Melissa Previtera

President (March 2020 – present)

Secretary (September 2016 – February 2020)

Melissa holds her Bachelor’s in Psychology and Social Science, as well as 19 plus years experience in the social services sector. She was a QYS Program Team Leader from 2005-2013, and is now Area Manager at Mission Australia. Her background gives QYS great insight and guidance in youth related matters.

Natalie Dukes



Natalie Dukes is the Founder and Head Word Nerd at Red Copy. She holds a diploma in management and previously worked as a Marketing and Memberships Officer in Consulting Services.

Pat Driscoll - QYS Management Committee

Pat Driscoll

Treasurer (September 2021 – present)

Management Committee Member (November 2019 – September 2021)

Pat is the Managing Director of Software Solutions Pty Ltd and Chairperson of DriveIT, where he has been instrumental in securing funding needed for the Townsville motor sport precinct. Pat holds a Bachelor’s of Engineering and is currently completing his Master’s in Urban Planning and Design.

Melinda Chambers

Management Committee Member (2023 – Present)

Melinda is currently employed as a Mental Health Professional at NWRH, providing services in Townsville, Ingham, Charters Towers, and Croyden/Etheridge. Over the past 8 years, She have worked in the homelessness and mental health sectors, with organizations like Mind Australia, NEAMI, and Sharehouse Youth Programs. She is a facilitator of Circle of Security and 1, 2, 3 Magic parent education training.

Joe Mikaele Ah-Koui - QYS Management Committee

Joe Mikaele Ah-Kuoi

Management Committee Member (2020 – present)

Joe is the director of Strive Lane, a self-development and mentoring program for young people. He has diverse experience working with youth, stemming from his professional background in education and leadership. Joe holds his Bachelor’s in English & Sociology and a Graduate Diploma in Learning & Teaching.

Dr. Mark David Chong - QYS Management Committee

Dr Mark David Chong

Management Committee Member (2020 – present)

Currently a senior lecturer in criminology and criminal justice studies, Dr. Chong has held many esteemed positions within James Cook University’s faculty. He holds the following qualifications: PhD (Law) (Syd), LLM (Merit) (Lond), LLB (Hons) (Lond), English Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln’s Inn), Advocate & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore.

Adriel Burley - QYS Management Committee

Adriel Burley

Management Committee Member (2021 – present)

Adriel is a Member of the National Mental Health Commission. He has a wealth of experience from around North Queensland and Western Australia, and has an active passion for suicide prevention, following careers in Project Management for the Townsville Suicide Prevention Network, Education, Residential Care and consultation work for the Not- for-Profit sector.

Join Our Management Committee

Queensland Youth Services is a not-for-profit organisation governed by a Management Committee which values the views of all community members and encourages diverse representation.

Our Management Committee members are responsible for determining the strategic direction of the organisation, monitoring governance directives and managing our commitment to remaining compliant with the objectives and legislation of our contractual obligations.

If you have a passion for helping young people be the best they can be, and a drive to take action in the community where it matters most, then join us. We welcome those with specific skills and knowledge that would benefit our organisation and its ability to deliver youth support services to our young people.

Upon formal nomination, each Management Committee member must participate in an induction and provide their Blue Card details prior to engaging in any organisational or youth-related activities.

Contact our CEO on (07) 4771 3648 or at for more information on how you can join this committee


Wendy Lang

Chief Executive Officer

Carmen Sione

Finance & Commercial Officer

Jo Jarusarn


Corrie Segboer

Young Parents Program Coordinator

Zoe De Satge

Team Leader

Matthew Eekelschot


Cassy Hinds

YHARS Administrator

Jillian Sim


James O'Hagan

Case Worker

Dalen Steenhuis

Case Worker

Esperance Segal

Case Worker

Deanna Widdison

Case Worker

Billatena Schmidt

Case Worker

Murray Holm

LearnIT Program Coordinator

Colleen Wing

LearnIT Program Administrator

Marina Cross

Project Overhaul Coordinator

Geoff Cameron

Project Overhaul Administrator

Dane Paterson

Project Overhaul Trade Mentor

Josephine Bethel

Strengthening Young Minds Coordinator

Mavis Sipi

Proud Warrior Program/ART Outreach Worker

Priscilla Lane

YHARS Team Leader (Mt Isa)

Michelle Erbacher

YHARS Case Worker (Mt Isa)

Doug Bruce

(Mt Isa)