

Reconnect aims to prevent homelessness through early intervention with young people and their families to stabilise and improve their housing situation and increase a young person’s level of engagement with family, education, training, employment, and their local community.

Program Objectives

For over 20 years, Reconnect has been delivering services in Townsville with the same objectives at the core of the program’s operation. These objectives include:

  • Providing early intervention and support by reconciling relations between a young person and their family/carers while helping them
    • overcome conflict in the home and
    • create relevant support systems and safety plans
  • Improving the overall wellbeing of a young person at risk, including their mental and physical health where applicable
  • Connecting young people with other service providers that will help them achieve their personal goals where necessary
  • Re-engaging and strengthening a young person’s engagement with education, training, employment and the general community


Reconnect offers support to young people who are:

  • Aged 12 to 18 years
  • Residing in Townsville
  • Having trouble at home, finding it difficult to engage in school, training and employment, feeling disconnected from their community or are struggling to transition to adulthood

How to Access

To access support from Reconnect, an eligible young person must first become a client of the service.

Referrals for new clients are accepted from everyone:

  • Youth/Case Workers and other service providers
  • Social Workers
  • School Guidance Officers
  • Friends and family members of a young person at risk
  • Self-referral (a young person who feels they need help)

A member of the Reconnect team will contact you about the outcome of your referral shortly. For more information, email all queries to .

Program Contacts


Zoe De Satge

Team Leader

Tiarni Goulding

Early Intervention Worker